Holistic Wellness Mentoring + Accountability
Did you love the Jumpstart Wellness program, but you're not ready to do it all on your own yet? Still need a little more than accountability support? This is for you!
This package comes with accountability PLUS
live support from me 2x’s per month to discuss progress, strategies and troubleshooting!
What is accountability?
-Working on making healthier food choices?
>>>Send me photos of everything you eat!
-Working on moving your body more?
>>>Send me photos of you walking/running/biking/hiking or doing any other purposeful movement such as yoga, pilates, tai chi, kick boxing, etc.
-Working on emotional well-being?
>>> Send me photos of your gratitude journal, things that bring you joy each day, share what meditation you enjoyed today, etc.
Need more?
Check out Jumpstart Wellness that includes review of bloodwork, food and activity logs, assessments, goal setting, weekly live mentoring and an accountability partner to get you off to a great start
Need less?
Check out Accountability Partner, if you just need a person to share with!